Let every plant that my Father has not planted be rooted out in the name of Jesus. I lay the ax to the root of every evil tree in my life. Let every ungodly generational taproot be cut and pulled out of my bloodline in the name of Jesus. Let the roots of wickedness be as rottenness. I speak to every evil tree to be uprooted and cast into the sea (Luke 17:6). Let Your holy fire burn up every ungodly root in the name of Jesus (Mal. 4:1). Let the confidence of the enemy be rooted out (Job 18:14). Let every root of bitterness be cut from my life (Heb. 12:15).
Let the prophetic word be released to root out evil kingdoms (Jer. 1:10). Let any evil person planted in my church be rooted out in the name of Jesus. Let any sickness rooted in my body be plucked up in the name of Jesus. Let all false ministries that have rooted themselves in my city be plucked up. Let every bramble and nettle be plucked up from my life in the name of Jesus. Let all thorns be burned out of my life in the name of Jesus (Isa. 10:17). Let all spirits rooted in rejection come out in the name of Jesus. Let all spirits rooted in pride come out in the name of Jesus.
Let all spirits rooted in rebellion come out in the name of Jesus. Let all spirits rooted in fear come out in the name of Jesus. Let all spirits rooted in lust and sexual sin come out in the name of Jesus. Let all spirits rooted in curses come out in the name of Jesus. Let all spirits rooted in witchcraft come out in the name of Jesus. Let all spirits rooted in any part of my body and organs come out in the name of Jesus.